No Man’s Sky - FIGHT Video

Ha! Znaci IPAK mozes da radis nesto drugo osim eksploracije beskrajnog broja planeta? Dobro su se setili…

Sve mi deluje jako lepo al i dalje nekako anemicno. Uboli su Chris Foss art style fantasticno, sad jos samo da ispod toga ima nekakav konkretni gameplay.

Bio bih najsrecniji da ispadnem u krivu i da je igra zapravo super zabavna.

EDIT: ko da su je pravili za VR, ne mogu da verujem da nema podrsku day one i da o tome trube na sva zvona.

Citam na Kotakuu danas, u komentarima, lepo zvuci. Jos ce igra ispasti dobra:

"Got the game last night and played for about 3 hours. A few things right off the bat (PS4 version), it’s super pretty, exploring/crafting is deep enough to be interesting but simple enough to not be a total chore. Getting the ship into orbit for the first time is a really satisfying feeling. My son and I flew to a few different planets, varying from ice to some kind of killer radioactive shit. The vastness is very real and it feels every bit as giant as it’s been sold as. That said, people looking for any kind of story/objective will be bummed and will trash it immediately. It’s definitely a “have a beer, relax and fly around/do some trading/explore” game. One thing I thought was really sweet was the inclusion of alien language, which as you play, you begin to decipher through these relics that can “teach” you words. How to say “give, thanks, metal” for instance have been taught to us, I’m guessing eventually we will be able to talk with the npc traders more fully.

I think those who go into it informed with that sort of Minecraft/Terraria (explore, build, open ended) vibe, will be super happy. It really is a beautiful game."

Pominje i da je dva puta igra pukla, al to ce pretpostavljam resiti day-one patch, kako to vec ide.

Ne znam ali meni se igra u pocetku uopce nije svidjala, sada sve sto vise citam o ovoj igri i gledam trailere me sve vise privlaci.

Trophy hunteri ce biti zadovoljni igrom buduci da platina dolazi sama po sebi nakon nekih 20-30h igranja, jer su svi trofeji grind tipa.

Sto se same igre tice, uopste ne razumijem sustinu i smisao. Tome ne pomaze ni cinjenica da igra zauzima svega 5 GB prostora.