Assassin's Creed: Origins - Pre-Launch Gameplay

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Sta god svi rekli i mislili, ja cu ovom delu da pruzim sansu.

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I ja razmišljam da uzmem day one… Mnogo mi dobro izgleda, ali i sam taj period istorijski mi je mnogo interesantan… Tako da ću videti…

Ja cekam da krene download :smile:

Chose you edition…haha

Izasao prvi review 8.8

Is Assassin’s Creed Origins a return to form? Yes. Is it the best Assassin’s Creed ever? Probably not. While Bayek is a delight to play as he’s nothing like Altair or Ezio. His revenge quest isn’t too original either, but it’s definitely an interesting one. Gameplay is as enjoyable as always and offers a wonderful array of going about things. The real show stealer in my opinion are the environments you’ll find yourself running around in. Ubisoft needed to recapture the magic that made the series great in the first place, and it seems it has done so. It’s just all the quintessential problems within said magic tag along for the ride. Overall though, the entirety of Egypt is pretty darn huge and most of those issues can be forgiven. Welcome back, Assassin’s Creed fans.

Dobro, nije loše… Videćemo ostale…

Igra mi se Assassins creed . ne igra mi se bas za 60 evra ali kad padne malo cena uzecu ga

Ja čekam da mi drug pošalje disk. Tako da ću ga igrati za 20-tak dana…

Ajd kada zavsi i meni neki AC:O, cisto da nesto malo odigram.

Nisam odavno bio hypeovan za neki AC kao sto sam za ovaj.

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Videh da je igra pokupila veoma visoke ocene i pozitivne komentare od recenzenata, ali ono sto mi se ne svidja i sto mi ne uliva poverenje je to sto svi pricaju o tehnikalijama, o otvorenom svetu, o vizuelnom dojmu, o gejmpleju a niko ne spominje pricu , a dzaba to sve ako nema price.

Inace ja zelim da ove igre vrhunsku pricu, zelim sto vise misterije, ezoterije, zelim sto vise price vezane za Prvu civilizaciju, “modern day” pricu takodje a toga nisam video uopste, znaci zelim pravi Assassin’s Creed a ne neku obicnu “open world” igru smestenu u odredjeno istorijsko razdoblje.