Battlefield 1

Pitam li se da li će biti onog Battlefield Commandera i kakav će biti ako ga bude bilo

Ovo nije direktno vezano za BF1 ali nisam zeleo da otvaram novu temu. Da li se neko seca jos ekih od igrara vezanih za WWI, meni padaju na pamet samo par igrara, ali bi jako voleo probati jos nesto ako sam propustio.

Igre koje ja znam:

  1. Wings - fatasticna igra za Amiga 500, secam se da sam kupio zbog nje dodatnih 512kb memorije kartcu, da bi imao zvuk, joj lepa su to vremena bila. Zavrsio uzduz i popreko :slight_smile:
  2. Red Baron - isto Amiga 500, ne tako dobra igra, nije me privukla, Wings je bio daleko bolji.
  3. History Line - potezna strategija (Blue Byte stil heksagonalna ili panzer general ako je nekome vise poznato), odlicna igra :slight_smile: zavrsio i vracao se par puta da ponovo igram.
  4. Valiant Hearts - jako smpaticna logicna platforma od pre 1-2 godine, zavrsio sa velikim zadovoljstvom.

Vise nista mi ne pada na pamet, ali ako neko zna, jos nesto neka javi, da probam, dok cekam BF1 :slight_smile:

Jel bese neki CoD bio WWI ili je sve bilo samo WWII?

Medal of Honor i to, ne secam se vise. Moguce da je sve to bilo WWII.

Nijedan nije bio WWI. Mislim da ce ovo biti prva visokobudzetna pucacina koja pokriva ovaj period u istoriji gejminga.

Gameplay na E3?

I beta 100%… a i 4 mp su prikazali na e3…

Sta znaju deca sta je WW1 :smiley: :smiley:

Koji hit… Ladno da neko to ne zna.

Novi trailer 12-og



They feel fast because they are.
If your weapon of choice is an assault rifle or a powerful LMG, Battlefield 1 is loaded with guns to scratch your trigger finger on. In general, all of the weapons might feel a little faster than you’d expect. On top of adding drag and gravity to the bullets themselves, we increased the bullet velocity. This speeds things up and makes the gunplay feel more authentic.

There are six categories of weapons.
There are your Shotguns (great for blasting enemies from up close), SMGs (made for short range rapid-fire), LMGs (amazing at tearing things apart from medium range), Semi Autos (balanced and powerful), Sidearms (great in a pinch), and Sniper Rifles (which do exactly what you think).

There’s a ton of variety.
Each weapon type has multiple different weapons to choose from. The weapons of the era were incredibly varied. In fact, many of the weapons of World War I were the first successful versions of those weapons. The first SMGs and Automatic Rifles were deployed during the era, and you can use them in Battlefield 1.

They are super effective.
Technology hurdled forward during World War I, leading to absolutely incredible, efficient weapons that were damn good at doing what they were designed to do. Whether you’re blasting holes in walls and taking down hidden enemies or sniping from across the map, you’ll find the gunplay in Battlefield 1 feels modern and fun.

Weapon customization is more focused.
We definitely want to allow you to customize your weapons in Battlefield 1, but we also heard your feedback that we should try to find a way to do this without adding hundreds of additional attachments. That’s why Battlefield 1 utilizes pre-set Loadouts for each weapon - you’re still able to customize your weapons to make sure they work with your playstyle, but in a more focused way.

Each weapon has up to three Pre-Sets.
Maybe you want a shotgun that packs a little more punch? Or maybe you’d rather one that trades stability for accuracy? The different weapon Pre-Sets should help you out. Some have up to three, giving you different ways to play with the same weapons. You’re able to customize them as well, changing the zoom levels, reticles, and more.

There are multiple types of melee weapons.
Getting up-close and personal was an important part of The Great War, and while you have plenty of options if you’d rather keep your distance, you’ll also be able to use different types of melee weapons, each with their own attack speeds and damage outputs. Some even double as tools – giving you the ability to cut barbed wire, destroy barricades, or even damage light vehicles.

You’ll be able to perform bayonet charges.
Being able to close the gap between you and your enemy is important, especially when you’re going for a melee kill. Attaching a Bayonet to the end of your gun helps make that a little easier, letting you charge at your enemies. Make contact, and they’re on the fast track to the graveyard.

Frags aren’t the only grenade types.
Besides being able to toss traditional fragmentation grenades, you’ll also be able to use gas grenades (low damage, but their gas lingers for a long time), incendiary grenades (high damage, but for a limited time), and more. Using the right one at the right time can be the difference between life and death.

The audio fidelity is top notch.
DICE is known for delivering some of the best audio quality in gaming, and we’re not going to disappoint with the weapon sounds in Battlefield 1. From the BANG of a shotgun to the CLINK of an empty click, we recorded a huge amount of real-world audio to use in the game. You can even tell when your magazine is running out of ammo now - your firing sound slightly changes when your ammo is low.

Mnogo me zanima single player kampanja bez obzira sto je BF prvenstveno mp igra. Ova tematika ima veliki potencijal za kvalitetnu kampanju i moraju to da iskoriste, a ne da izbace neku glupost koja traje 4h…

Po meni, to ce biti segment igre na osnovu kojeg cu formirati konacno misljenje, bez obzira na to kakav ce biti mp.

Pa kad se samo sjetim, prvi i drugi Medal of Honor za PSOne su postavili neke standarde koje jos niko sa danasnjim mogucnostima nije nadmasio. Onakav soundtrack, onakve misije, nece se ono vise gledati…


samo da radi na E3 sajmu :smiley:

SP nece preci 7h sanse nema. I to u najboljem slucaju. Ali ovo svakako jedva cekam da igram MP

S obzirom da ima 6 misija bice verovatno kao i bf4 tj nekih 5-6 sati

Neka bude 7h, ali onda makar neka odrade to da valja, da kampanja ima neki smisao.

Voleo bih SP da valja ali BF se definitivno kupuje samo zbog MP-a

Kampanje su prilicno podcenjene i nisu uopste lose, ni CoD ni BF. Multiplejer je taj koji je dosadan i generican.

Zavisi iz koje perspektive se gleda. Meni su SP glupave i kratke.
Ali ajmo ovako prosto kroz brojke.
BF4 kampanja oko 4-5h manje vise tako je sa svim slicnim igrama danas. Znaci uzeo si nesto i platio pa neka bude i 15h sto nikako nije.
BF4 MP sam igrao oko 120-150h Pa sad vidi sta se tu isplati vise. Sta ti daje vise zabave.