BurnerMax PAYLOAD Tool v0.15

Malo programce koje podrzava BurnerMAX ubacivanje hackovanog koda pre rezanja, skoro pa u bilo koji rezac, podrzani su mnogi modeli sem LiteOn-a, kao ASUS, Samsung, Pioneer i jos dosta drugih, naravno i nove serije LiteOn IHAS C i D revizija…

C4E’s BurnerMAX Payload Tool in association with Team Jungle & Team Xecuter

Official release of the BurnerMAX Payload Tool - works with most MTK chipset based DVD burners (Liteon etc)

  • No need to flash burner firmware. Delivers a realtime payload to increase capacity of DVD+R DL discs to support XGD3

  • Support for stock iHas B, C, and D burners, all makes and models

  • Support for many of the Liteon iHAS Clones

  • Supports many other mnodels such as ASUS, Samsung, Pioneer and many others

  • Supports many Liteon and Samsung USB External Burners

  • Supports many Liteon IDE Burners

  • Supports any disc burning software - we recommend iMGBURN

How it Works

Load your favorite burning software. Insert your blank DVD+R DL disc. Send the BurnerMAX Payload. Re-select your drive in the burner software and the capacity will be increased.
You will need to send the BurnerMAX Payload evertime you insert a blank DVD+R DL disc.

Special vendor specific commands are sent to examine in realtime the drives custom registers, searching for specific DVD+R DL blank media capacity and layer capacity parameters.

If found these registers are modified using another set of vendor specific commands.

Due to the use of stock firmware and different burner makes and models, any settings the burner has play a more important role.

For iHas burners B, C and D, recommended settings are:

Force Hypertuning - Enabled
Online Hypertung - Disabled
Smartburn - Enabled
Overspeed - Enabled
OPC history - Do not clear

Results may vary depending on hardware and disc brand.

Verbatim DVD+R DL (Singapore Manufactured) Blank Discs are recommended for best results.

I would like to wish everyone a merry xmas and a happy new year - many more goodies are coming…

Thanks go to Team Jungle for their hard work and efforts in the development process.
Thanks also go to Team Xecuter for their support to this project.

I wish to dedicate BurnerMAX Payload Tool’s release to the victims of the Connecticut school massacre and the bravery of the school teachers involved who saved many lives.



  • First release

DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.sendspace.com/file/fi5ybn

Odlicana vijest za sve one koji muku muce oko odgovarajuceg rezaca

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Ekstra, posle slave lepe vesti, testiracu veceras moj ihas C model :slight_smile:

jel mogu laptop rezaci?

probaj treblo bi da moze ako nadje odgovarajuci registar u rezacu. Procitaj NFO kako se radi sa programom.

BurnerMAX Payload Tool - Version: 0.15

Found 0 CD/DVD drives E:

Drive Removal detected.
Found 1 CD/DVD drives E:

Pise mi ovo.

Load your favorite burning software. Insert your blank DVD+R DL disc. Send the BurnerMAX Payload. Re-select your drive in the burner software and the capacity will be increased.
You will need to send the BurnerMAX Payload evertime you insert a blank DVD+R DL disc.

Brzo pitanje, jel’ bi trebali da su podržani iHAS124-04 i iHAS122-18? Vidim da piše all iHAS, jel’ to podrazumeva i ove? Hvala unapred.

Podrzan je, tako je napisano.


Druže molim te nemoj da mi troluješ, shvatam da je malo glupo pitanje, ali želim da budem siguran u nešto pre nego što iskeširam par hiljada dinara na to. :slight_smile: Zato jednostavno tražim odgovor na moje pitanje.

Support for stock iHas B, C, and D burners, all makes and models

Znaci, sad cu moci na svom assusu 24B5ST da rezem XGD3 igre live safe ??

Trebalo bi da moze. Testiraj pa javi

Uzecu DVD sutra, pa cu narezati. Al to necu na live koristiti dok nevidim da ljudima lepo radi, nebih da rizikujem :smiley:

Pa brzo pitanje je zahtevalo i brz odgovor…

oko 1800din je IHAS 122 C serije.

Ja vam se klanjam na brzim informacijama. Testirano, radi savršeno. (na standardnom rezaču u drugom kompu)

Probajte da rezete igre na 2,4X evo sledece:

Rezano na IHAS 124B sa FW upisanim na 4X:

Rezano na IHAS 122C sa payloadom, na 4X, jedan DVD mi je pukao.

Ono sto pise u fajlu od payload-a obavezno uradite i testirajte da vidite kave rezultate dobijate, 2,4 X dublje reze(przi DVD foliju) i daje bolje rezultate.

Neke igre (Far Cry 3, Forza Horizon…) “zahtjevaju” x2.4 inace od 46 do 54%, kad se intalira igra na HDD, grce da imate osjecaj da ce puci u xbox-u. Far Cry 3 s perfektim rezultatima nece da se instalira na xbox-u dok s x2.4 bez problema sve

Payload teoretski zvuci jako dobro ali ima dosta podesavanja a i ne bi bilo lose sacekati neku malo bolju i stabilniju verziju jer je ovo ipak 0.15

Nadam se da ce neko uraditi ovdje obimno testiranje pa da kaze svoje utiske i best pidesavanje - eto test za nekoga da postane Gold Member

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