{MT} PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Au, bilo je baš dosta emocija, nije baš bilo ukućanima jasno šta se dešava… :joy:


Oće srce da mi ispadne:


Drugi chicken pao odma posle prvog :smiley:

Neki ljudi trose brdo para za putovanja po svetu, a ja dobijem ovaj pogled za 30e :smiley:

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Vidim da svi osvajaju neke vecere u solo-u, pa je napokon dosao red da se i ja pohvalim jednom :smile:
Ceo mec sam bio na mostu, sasvim slucajno jer nisam mogao da pobegnem, krug mi se priblizava sve vreme, na kraju 1v1, puca me lik 10 sekundi, ne mogu da provalim odakle, taman skontam gde je, ono pobeda. Decko se zaneo i zaboravio da je krug krenuo da se pomera :smile:

Vise sam bio iznenadjen nego odusevljen, nisam ocekivao da cu i ja napokon pobediti, ali je bilo vreme :smile:


Naručio sa ebaya. Nešto za ključeve, nešto za retrovizor. :stuck_out_tongue:


This patch will be live at 6PM KST / 1AM PST / 10AM CET today.
Please restart your Xbox after the patch goes live to get the update.

Introduced multiple pre-match starting locations in order to optimize both server and game client performance
Weapons are removed from the starting island prior to the match starting
Game DVR is now supported for automatic recording of gameplay highlights.
This feature must be enabled within the Options / Settings menu.
We continue to listen to your vehicle feedback and have lowered the damage taken from objects
throughout the world such as rocks, trees, and uneven terrain
Adjusted the sound effects of both water and red-zone bombing
Party matchmaking is now influenced by the player’s MMR
Adjusted long-range blood VFX back to the original colors

Improved visibility of squad member colors (yellow, orange, blue and green)
Players can use the right thumbstick to rotate their character model during customization
When customizing character appearance, the D-Pad can be held to switch between menus
Preview is supported when customizing appearance or creating a new character

Updated the design of the energy drink

Bug Fixes

Fixed water sound effects
Fixed Red Zone disappearing immediately after it starts
Fixed random character teleportation following initial landing 
Fixed an issue where some doors could not be entered despite appearing open
Fixed issue of recovery and boost items being able to be used when underwater
Fixed the character animations when transitioning from jump-prone to standing
Fixed unexpected character death caused by falling while moving
Fixed areas of fencing where specific sides could not be penetrated by bullets
Fixed buildings with missing stairs
Fixed bug which caused objects to float in the air
Fixed areas of terrain which were causing player characters to become stuck
Fixed an issue which prevented team members being displayed following 
acceptance of an invite
Fixed the issue of revive being cancelled unintentionally
Fixed hand animations when reloading/shooting the Kar98 in a prone position
Fixed the issue limiting peak parachuting speed in FPP mode
Fixed character animations when moving from prone to entering a vehicle

Optimization / Stability

Optimized textures, landscapes and buildings throughout the island to 
improve performance
Fixed a crash occurring when HDR was enabled
Fixed a frozen character issue when reconnecting following a crash
Fixed a crash occurring when the player opened their inventory
Fixed a crash occurring when the spectated player was using a scope


Applied new Russian, Japanese and Chinese (simplified/traditional) fonts
Japanese only: Adjusted the Katakana font
Japanese only: Fixed incorrect order of wording during object interactions
Portuguese only: Fixed the display of height meter when parachuting

Known Issues

B button incorrectly displayed to cut parachute cable; this should be X
When viewing the map, the X, Y, and B buttons are fully functional, 
please be aware 
that this can cause you to exit the plane or vehicle whilst in motion. 
Please only use the map button to return to gameplay until this is resolved.



Ovo bi trebalo da bude njihov primarni cilj kao i netcode.

Njima optimizacija fali nenormalno. Dogurace oni na konzolama do 60fpsa…ne brinem, pogotovo na X…samo je pitanje vremena

Djole matori… a zasto sada u igri biras “Deutch” language…?
Sad si kao u Njemackoj pa cekas radnu vizu?
Vece su sanse ako biras u igri “Njemački”?

Znaci polako vec na nesto lici.
Bit ce to super za jos koji mjesec :slight_smile:

Update je značajan korak u pravom smjeru, sad me mnogo lakše ubijaju i to izgleda mnogo fluidnije i prirodnije.

Jedini problem je što sam navikao izlaziti iz mape na B, sad pored što izađem iz mape uz put iskočim iz aviona, auta, motora, broda… Sreća pa je @ninja strpljiv čovjek, i ima razumjevanja za blago zaostale u razvoju. :slight_smile:

Život mi se pretvorio u pabdži hbt…


Sutra vjerovatno ulazim i ja u taj pakao kao no1 noob tako da ima nas još :wink:


Trebali bi igrati vas cetvorica I udariti stream, volio bi da vidim na sta to lici.

Mogao si da vidiš iz prvog lica, nije da nismo zvali bar deset puta. :slight_smile:

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Moram reci da se zadnjih mjesec dana ne kacim ja sa Xbox-om online. A sta znam, nemam vremena da se uklopim sa vama, kada vi igrate ja sam obicno zauzet, a kada ja igram vi ste zauzeti. Ali za stream sam raspolozen!

Malo da skrenem sa teme, ali kad smo kod tog stream-a, sta mislite da napravimo neki turnir u halo 5? to je igra koju svi imamo.
a usput i streamujemo :slight_smile:

Bolje učestvovati nego gledati i smijati se bezveze

Definitivno update sa najviše rezultata. Stabilan FPS, brzo učitavanje tekstura, voda liči na vodu, popravljeni zvučni efekti itd…
Čim se stabilizovao FPS, odmah je i nišanjenje bolje. Svaki meč po nekoliko kill-ova je odraz toga.
Još da @Son_of_a_gun prestane da se bavi extremnim sportovima i batali iskakanje iz prevoza u pokretu i to je to.
Igra je do sada bila top, a od juče je milina.
E i da, izgleda da nema više izbacivanja iz igre :slight_smile:

Skuter :heart_eyes:


Skuter je romantika. :kissing_heart: :heart:

Ja još uvek tražim nekoga za igranje :smiley: