PlayStation Meeting zvanično objavljen / PS4 Neo Reveal - 7. septembar 21h

Sony PlayStation on Tuesday afternoon sent invites for an event on September 7 called “PlayStation Meeting,” where the company will “share details about the PlayStation business.”

Earlier today, reports from Vice Gaming and Gameblog claimed PlayStation would hold an event that day to unveil its PlayStation 4 Neo, also known as the PlayStation 4.5.

If you’re unfamiliar, the Neo is expected to play all the current PlayStation 4 games out there, but offer more horsepower for better graphics and frame rates. It’s expected to also support 4K games, movies, and TV shows.

With that extra horsepower, the Neo will likely be the ideal console to power the company’s upcoming virtual reality headset, PlayStation VR, which arrives in October.

We look forward to learning more about the PlayStation 4 successor on September 7. The event starts at 3 p.m. ET.

Za nešto manje od mesec dana videćemo konačno šta nam Sony donosi novo u Neo paketu. Rezervišite datum i tastature za chat.

21:00h po nasem vremenu

Edit: ah tek sad vidim da pise u naslovu teme

Ono sto je konstantno nejasno u saopstenjima je kada ce biti u prodaji. Ali pretpostavljam da je tako uvek sa hajpom.

Verovatno da ga prvo objave i onda u prodaji za dve nedelje, pre-order now!

Pa dobro, svejedno. Tih 250e za upgrade nam ne gine. 6-7 meseci ne pravi veliku razliku.

pa ako je neo jedina varijanta da se PSVR koristi, izaci ce isti dan kao i PSVR

Ali nije, PSVR radi i na vanilla PS4 konzolama.

Pretpostavljam da je mislio pod “koristi” , da radi kako treba :slight_smile: , jer ovo sto se moze procitati od drugih koji su ga probali na vanilla PS4 - razocaranje :slight_smile:

Instaliran je chat na forumu, sutra ga aktiviramo za PlayStation Meeting i Apple iPhone Keynote :slight_smile: :anger_right:.


Uh ako sam dobro izracunao ja cu bas tad morati po dete iz vrtica :expressionless: