Good guy Bethesda.

Kupio sam Doom, zasad su mi utisci pomesani al sam igrao samo dvadesetak minuta. Srocicu utiske ovde kad odigram malo vise.

Čekaj, to je potpuno druga igra u odnosu na onu koju mi već imamo?

Jeste druga, pisali smo o tome, traje oko 2h, potpuno novi nivoi, kao neki VR DLC zapravo sto se vidi i po ceni.

Aj javi bas kakav je… Uzeo si za PS4?


Mislim da traje makar 4 sata, no ostaje da se vidi. Zavisi i od stila igranja. Ja u vr igrama zagledam svaki cosak.

Heh, samo sam cekao da se ovako nesto desi.

I woke up about 1am this morning, literaly IN Skyrim.
My mind couldn’t figure out if it was a dream, or real, or VR for a few seconds.
it was crazy, and AWESOME.

Takodje tizuju neku novu veliku PSVR igru na PSX-u.

We can’t wait to tell you more about this one! Experience a candid conversation between two legends as they discuss developing their new PS VR title and lessons from VR development


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Kad sam odigrao jedno 20 minuta Lone Echoa na Riftu (igra, uzgred, bas lepo izgleda), sledecih pola sata nisam bio sto posto siguran dal je namestaj oko mene stvaran ili cu propasti kroz njih ko kroz poligone.

Veoma cudan osecaj ne-realnosti.

A Skyrim VR ce mi obavezno dopasti shaka, samo je pitanje kad tacno i u kojoj formi.

A Skyrim VR se posebno kupuje i ako imas Skyrim?

Skyrim za Ps3
Skyrim za Ps4
Skyrim za Nintendo
Skyrim za VR
Sta je sledece? Dobicemo i neku verziju za telefone…

jep, i to za punu cenu

Neki lik se obeznanio igrajuci Farpoint multiplejer:

One fateful rainy weekend, I said fuck it. I went into the mall, plunked down a huge stack of cash, and walked out while other people stared in awe. As an adult, I realize being an early adopter is bad, but at the same time, I also realize that LIFE IS SHORT, and I wanted to experience VR for the first time. If I can’t travel and go on vacation, maybe I can virtually go on vacation. :slight_smile:
So onto PSVR. It blew the back of my skull off. Yeah, the graphics aren’t incredible, but at the same time, the graphics are INCREDIBLE. I was suddenly excited about games in a way I hadn’t been in really long time. I didn’t just want to experience more grand theft auto, I desired ALL the experiences. Rush of Blood was my starting point, and the sensation of motion along with the move controllers has entertained tons of people at my house so far. The intro to batman was worth how much the entire game cost, and superhot was basically everything I’d hoped VR would be. Farpoint took me months to find, but I quickly ran through the entire game and loved every second of it, but I just couldn’t get into the challenges other than the story. Recently, I’ve been getting lost in Skyrim, and the ability to shoot a bow and arrow and visit a familiar place was incredible as well.
However… NOTHING… NOTHING I have experienced on the PSVR, was like what I just experienced tonight. I truly feel like Farpoints PvP is a literal landmark in gaming history. I logged on, saw guy speaking french in my space ship, we waved, danced, tried to communicate, and I loaded up the versus levels. I am so blown away. The immersion holding something that simulates what you are holding in the game, the running around frantically dodging gunfire, the looking down the scopes, the blind firing while taking cover, the swearing in french, the laughter, I felt like I was fucking 12 again.
This was better than Grand Theft Auto, better than Playstation, better than Super Nintendo. In my eyes, this IS the future of gaming, and I feel bad that Rift/Vive owners don’t have a standardized gun controller like we do. It’s absolutely amazing, and it was the best gaming experience of my entire life. I can’t wait to play it again. This is how Call of Duty/Halo will evolve, this is how tomorrow’s brats will talk shit, this is how adults will get exercise, this is going to change the fucking world.
If you don’t have farpoint or an AIM controller, you are doing it wrong. You can taste, today, what will become an absolute standard in the future.

Twiter? Mada who cares…

Generalno psvr reddit je pun pozitive i radosti. Uvek mi bude drago da procitam ovako neku pricu, a ima ih gomila.

Na cudnom je vr mestu – ako je verovati mainstream gaming sajtovima, propao odavno. Ako je verovati redditu, cveta (2000 novih clanova otkako je bio black friday). Ako je verovati finansijkim vestima, psvr se bolje prodaje nego sto bi covek pomislio. Ako pogledam okolo u svojoj industriji, sve vise ljudi kupuje rift da proba vajanje u vr-u.

Buducnost je krajnje neizvesna.

To je već treći put da naplaćuju 60$ za istu igru

Pa 20 je daleko manje od 60, bar kod mene. Ali kupovina starih igara samo na sniženju na. Ja sam uzeo bioshock infinity season pass za svega 6$…
A što se tiče Skyrim VR-a, to je trebao da bude update za igru, a ne cela nova igra… Kako bi bilo da kupiš resident evil 7 I onda ti kažu a sada još 60$ za VR verziju igre…
Ps: cene na PLANU su daleko niže:

Kad najave nove igre onda ce biti neki novi razlog za pljuvanje :joy:

Daleko od toga da je propao VR, samo je prva generacija ocekivano slabo prosla. 2nd gen ce biti sa 4k optikom, jeftinija, laksa i bezicna, sa boljom hardverskom podrskom, naprednijim kontrolerima… Sto se mene tice nemam nista protiv toga da bude beta tester jedne ovako uzbudljive tehnologije, pa cak i po paprenoj ceni… Kacigu koristim uglavnom za filmove ovih dana. Kada uzmem da je stavim na glavu posle duzeg perioda nekoriscenja, momentalno mi bude jasno zasto nikada nece uspeti. Cak i sam postupak kacenja je tezak u odnosu na gedzete na koje smo navikli. Da, znam da ne prihvatas taj argument, da je jako lako kada se naviknes… Ali imaj u vidu da je prosecan Dzo ekstremno lenj korisnik koji nece nista da radi sa vise od dva pritiska i da uzme u ruku bilo sta teze od 200g. Cak i 3D naocare nisu uspele u kucnim uslovima a kamoli ovakva jedna skalamerija sa citavom instalacijom kablova, kamera… A tu je i problem mucnine.

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Kako gledas filmove sa VR? Jel sedis/lezis? Ne znam kako bih uspeo da odgledam gospodare prstenova sa VR…3+h sa time na glavi?
3D naocare nisu uspele jer to nije bioskopski 3D. Kuci kad gledam samo ima dubinu, nema iskakanja ispred tebe, pa je samim tim (po meni) bespotreban gadget. Bilo je cool prva 3 filma odgledati u 3D u kucnim uslovima, ali posle…meh

Pa sedim ispred TV-a samo sa kacigom. Nije bas najkomfornije ali naviknes se, jer je super dozivjaj. Ne smeta toliko ni niska rezolucija, prakticno imas bioskop u kuci.

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Ja više nemam ideju kome verovati. Ispade da je sony prodao 12 miliona PSVR po informaciji iz IGN-a:

To je skoro 5 milijardi od VR-a. Morali bi da uloze malo u ekskluzive i podrsku developerima.