XBOX 360 vesti i informacije

pa ako uradis najnoviji update onda ces morati da flashujes konzolu ne zbog tri igre nego zbog svih igara. novi update kaze no no pirateriji

grujo nemoj da se plasis za ban. microsoft te je mozda i flegovao ali pitanje je kada ce te banovati i da li ce te uopste banovati. Ja sam igrao 3 meseca na liveu sa 1.6 firmwareom bez bana. Prva dva meseca je sve bilo ok da bi tada se ja napravio pametan i probao da pustim black ops(misleci da imam samsung drive i da ne moram ga flesovati) posle cega mi je iskocio black screen i dobio sam flag. Narednih jos mesec dana sam svakodnevno bio na live-u i igrao multi i nikakav ban nisam dobio tako da opusteno.

Kinect extends Xbox 360’s life-cycle, about half way through | Kinect News

Hahahah 2015. ili 2016. ce izaci novi Xbox ako se X360 nalazi tek na polovini svog zivotnog ciklusa!

izaci ce 2013.godine

Sta mislite… hoce li ga napraviti backward kompatibilnim ?

Shto bi bilo dobro da mogui originali od ovih sada konzola da se djuskaju na tom novom chudu…

Vrlo vjerovatno…

Evo jedna lepa vest…

[QUOTE=][SIZE=“4”]Games for Windows Marketplace to merge with on July 11[/SIZE]
It’s about time. Microsoft is finally consolidating the Games for Windows Marketplace and into one big ultra mega site. Makes sense, right?

The transition will take place on July 11, Eurogamer confirmed, when all of the Games For Windows content will find a new home at Back in November, the GFW site received quite the overhaul in an attempt to bring a more accessible experience to its web hub.

Currently, there’s a thread on the forums discussing the move, if you feel like being part of the conversation. You know, if you want. No pressure![/QUOTE]

hm pa sta to znaci, da ce biti cross kompatiblne igre ili samo merdzuju prodavnice?

Merdzuju prodavnice

spajaju sve na jednom mestu, Predatore ala si mu pojasnijo :slight_smile:

Zna da Merge znaci spajaju,povezuju,cim je tako napisao :slight_smile:

P.S. [QUOTE=]ORIGINAL STORY: Microsoft is to merge Games For Windows Marketplace into[/QUOTE]

Evo nesto vise o tome…

[QUOTE=][SIZE=“4”]Microsoft to merge GFW and[/SIZE]
UPDATE: The merge will happen on 11th July, Microsoft has confirmed to Eurogamer.

“All of the same content from will be available on so members of communities across Xbox 360 and Games for Windows can purchase and get details on their favorite games, all in one place,” explained a spokesperson.

“All account information will remain the same and community members can still take advantage of their Xbox Live profile in their Windows games and stay connected to friends who are playing on the PC.”

ORIGINAL STORY: Microsoft is to merge Games For Windows Marketplace into

According to the brief announcement on the Games For Windows site, its PC digital delivery store will be absorbed into its console hub “soon”.

“Games for Windows Marketplace will fully transition over to Now you can get all of your gaming needs in one place. It’s convenient, it’s concentrated, and it’s a whole lot of great games,” read the site.

Microsoft relaunched the service last October in an effort to turn the store into “a destination for games for PC gamers”.

We’re onto Microsoft now for more details on how, when and why the merge will go down.[/QUOTE]

Hvala brate :slight_smile:

Pa nije mi bas najjasnije koji je benefit tu za korisnike… osim sto ce imati sve na jednom mestu. Jel taj games for windows pored zivog Steama neko uopste koristio?

Izadje po koja igra. Neke od poznatijih su Gta IV, Resident Evil 5 i Dead Space. Kad ih uzmes original, igras sa njima na GFWL.
Takodje, kad si tamo, mozes da se dopisujes sa ljudima na Xbox Liveu!

dodaj i dead space na listu

Jel si to ti pravio u fotoshopu?:hihi
Ili je to neki teaser?

Hm?? Za xbox 360?!

naisao sam na tu sliku, naravno da nije za xbox :smiley: