XBOX 360 vesti i informacije

Ne znam kako planiraju da implementiraju Frostbite 2 engine (da iskoriste glavne prednosti) ali dobro :slight_smile: sigurno imaju neki deal…

Razvaljivanje okoline kada se razbiješ ? :smiley:

oće li taj engine zas Battlefield 3 bit i u XBOX360 verziji igre?

Nece nazalost samo za PC i PS3 :punch: Salim se,normalno da hoce

gledam po youtubu malo videe ,i svi u komentarima ispod pišu da je igra rađen isključivo za ps3 i pc,da zato i nema x360 gameplay verzije nigdje?

Ma normalno da ima i za XBox,sta ne vidis da sam ti dole u spoileru napisao da se salim :emoticon-0100-smile

ma vidia san u spojleru šta si napisa xD …bit će ona destrukcija gradova znači i na x360 :smiley: …ko će igru skidat?

Najnovije vesti:Nista od sledecih generacija konzola do 2014g

[SIZE=5]**No PS4, Xbox 720 before 2014, says Skyrim boss

[/SIZE][SIZE=4]“Consumers are happy” with current hardware, claims Bethesda’s Howard**[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Next-generation consoles won’t arrive in 2012 “or the year after”, reckons Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim director Todd Howard.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2]When asked by PSM3 magazine how long he thinks we’ll have to wait for successors to PS3 and Xbox 360, Howard said he thinks “consumers are happy” with current hardware.

“I think it’s going to be a while still, I really do. I think consumers are happy with the current ones, there’s a lot you can do with them,” he said. “So I don’t think it’s coming next year or the year after.”

Quizzed on earlier comments that Bethesda was considering waiting until the next PlayStation and Xbox hardware to release Skyrim, Howard said that conversations over moving the title to next-gen consoles were “very serious”.

“We want [Skyrim] to be fresh. We don’t want it to feel, visually or technically, ‘Oh this is Fallout 3’ or ‘this is Oblivion’ And if we couldn’t do that we would have waited,” he said.

2K global president Christoph Hartmann recently claimed Microsoft and Sony are already “experimenting” with Kinect and Move for what could be the foundations of their next-generation console plans.

Hardware giant AMD piped up last month to claim the next Xbox will feature graphics on a par with James Cameron’s Avatar.

Buy the new look PSM3 online and have it delivered to your door.[/SIZE]

eh kad tako neko kaze ko nema veze sa MS-om i Sony-jem, jos mu novi nastavak njegove najpopularnije fransize izlazi na jesen, mislim sta drugo covek da kaze?

akiris pogledaj na anketu o tome sta misle igraci kada je najbolje da izadje PS4 i Xbox 720…

Nije 100% sigurna informacija ali kako se nagadja krajem ovog mjeseca ceka nas novi dashboard! Neke od promjena :

  • Updated Standard and Kinect Dashboard with Full Voice Dashboard Commandment Support
  • Bing on Xbox
  • YouTube on Xbox 360 with Bing Search support
  • Beacons
  • Skype Integration (o ovome sam pricao drugi dan nakon sto je MS kupio Skype)
  • Live television on Xbox 360 with Bing Search support
  • Cloud Storage for Game Saves and LIVE Profile
  • Expanded Kinect Voice Support

Vezano za pirateriju za sad se nista ne zna. Ne vjerujem da ce vise dirati AP 2.5 igre, mozda opet da reflash-uju neke drive-ove ali 100% rade se temeljne pripreme za novi disk format i njihovo adaptiranje. Septembar se blizi, Gears of War 3 je vjerovatno prva igra s novim diskom i nakon toga sve pocinju s tim novim “standardom”. Lijek na to sve - LT 2.0 a xbox360key ostaje da se pokaze u praksi. Ko zna…mozda ce biti i bolja investicija nego klasicni metod al to ostaje da se vidi

u svakom slucaju kod nas ce biti sigurno 120evra, kod nas su hleb i mleko su skup za srpsku platu, ali nismo gori od ovih grka vrlo velika vecina su ko nasi cigani- neverovatne ali istinito, ovde je hleb skuplji nego kod nas a tek koka kola…
ne znam zasto sam vam ovo ispricao ali ne moze da skodi :slight_smile:

E da to za skype cim si rekao za kupovinu MS znao sam i ja sada je Kinect must have i onda svi sa bohovima i Kinectom live party :slight_smile:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

kad je MS ili sony slusao sta igraci misle?

slusace ako igraci nece masovno da kupuju nove konzole…

naravno da ce kupovati, ne radi se o tome, nego o kupovini starih. sve se svodi na profit. tek kada interesovanje trzista opadne, sto se odrazi i na prodaju, ima smisla izbacivati sledecu generaciju. sigurno nece da izbacuju zato sto neki tamo perica hoce lepsu grafiku.

hahahahahhahaahhaah :D:D:D:D

Ima logike da ne izbacuju jos jer tek treba da docekamo Kinect igre koje ce u potpunosti iskoristiti potencijal hardware-a. Takodje, ako ima bilo kakve veze ono sto pricaju ovi iz M$-a, onda mozda budemo cekali i do Win8…

Odnos ponude i traznje je uvjek bitan, u bilo kojoj industriji pa tako i u IT ili gaming. Zadovoljan kupac je i dalje jako bitan faktor u predstavljaju, adaptaciji i ekspanziji proizvoda (u ovom slucaju konzola) IT, kao i gaming, trziste je specificno po tome sto na njega ne utice direktno samo kupac vec i odredjene transnacionalne firme koje proizvode odredjene komponente koji kod kupaca stvaraju osjecaj prestiza, zelje i motivacije (npr. : apple funovi, intel, AMD…) a na taj nacin one “imaju prostora” da odredjuju kad ce koji proizvod izaci. Sva ova prica oko Xbox 720, PS4 nije nista drugo nego martekinski trik prilikom kojeg se stvara potreba za tim i konstantno iscekivanje, da skratim - “nabijanje ceznje” Mene, licno, ne bi iznenadilo sutra da izadje ALI od toga nema nista iz vise razloga tj. problema s kojim su suoceni Sony i MS. Sony - izgubio ugled kod igraca zbog hakerskog napada, kvalitetne konzole ali ne podrzavanje pirata je dovelo do tih hakerskih napada kao i monopolisticko djelovanje da je konzola i dalje njihova cak i kad kupite (ne odobravanje bilo kakve modifikacije) i dr. MS - nakon velikih gubitaka s prvim revizijama iskupio se Slim-om a Kinect mu je donio veliku zaradu pa se slobodno moze reci da mu je kinect prosle godine bio “zlatna koka”, ta zlatna koka ga sad usporava da izbaci novu konzolu jer je Kinect i dalje ko lud prodaje a malo je igara za njega pa s ttim u vezi duzni su izbaciti jos dosta igara i support da bi izvrsili amortizaciju kod krajnjeg korisnika i tek onda se izbacuje nova konzola. O finansijskom aspektu necu ni govoriti kao ni o tehnickom (u stvrai o tehnickom ocu malo). Kako se prica, a i ima dosta logike, kod novih konzola mozemo ocekivati APU-e (CPU i GPU na jednom cipu) u 28nm. Zasto? Glavni razlog je malena potrosnja, mala velicina pa s tim u vezi se ne pregrijava (poredjenja radi GPU Xenon-a je bio 95nm + CPU isto) i smanjenje dimenzija konzole jer je estetika vecini korisnika bitna. Ukoliko AMD bude zaduzen za APU-u kod Xbox 720 (a 90% da oce jer intel bas i ne posvecuje toliko paznje kao ovi al ko zna sta mogu izbaiti) ceka se nova arhitektura na bazi Buldozer koja ce imati x5 jaci GPU i koji ce biti ekvivalet 6xxx seriji redeon-a a s tim se i poklapa ona prica iz crytek-a da ce nove konzole imati podrsku za DX11… Bla bla bla necu vise :slight_smile:

2012 Nintendo WiiU, kraj 2013 - pocetak 2014 Xbox 720, i nakon toga PS4 od kojeg, btw, ocekujem jako puno kako po pitanju kvaliteta tako i “slobodnom hardware-u” za exploit i pirateriju

e da,procitao sam negde da sony razvija neku vrstu naocara koje ce simulirati virtuelnu stvarnost…bice dva led ekrana u rezoluciji 720p i omogucavace 3D prikaz…to mi jako prija da cujem,bez obzira sto sam sada xbox igrac… :smiley:

[SIZE=5]The future of video game graphics - or a load of old nonsense?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]Euclideon says games won’t be the same again; Notch accuses Aussies of selling a “scam”[/SIZE][SIZE=3]**

An Australian computer graphics company has released a video showcase of its new tech - which it claims can revolutionise the future of games software.**[/SIZE]

However, not everyone is quite so convinced. Minecraft creator Markus ‘Notch’ Persson - having become irritated by the popularity of the video - has poured scorn on the company’s claims.

Euclideon says that it has “found a way to give computer graphics unlimited power”.

CEO Bruce Robert Dell explains in the video: “In the graphics industry, everyone is used to using polygons, so we’d thought we’d build a polygon converter. By converting polygons into Unlimited Detail point cloud data, you can then run them in unlimited quantities. We’ve converted them at a rate of 64 atoms per cubic millimeter. If you’re not sure how small a cubic millimetre is, that’s a rate of 1,000,000 atoms per cubic inch.”

He adds: “Your game environments will also be real. When I say real I mean made of little atoms just like our real world. Your game environments until now have been filled with a bunch of tricks to try and deal with the low polygon budget.”.

Big promises, and not ones that Notch is at all convinced by. He writes on his blog:

"Perhaps you’ve seen the videos about some groundbreaking “unlimited detail” rendering technology? Well, it is a scam.

"They made a voxel renderer, probably based on sparse voxel octrees. That’s cool and all, but… To quote the video, the island in the video is one km^2. Let’s assume a modest island height of just eight meters, and we end up with 0.008 km^3. At 64 atoms per cubic millimeter (four per millimeter), that is a total of 512 000 000 000 000 000 atoms.

“If each voxel is made up of one byte of data, that is a total of 512 petabytes of information, or about 170 000 three-terrabyte harddrives full of information. In reality, you will need way more than just one byte of data per voxel to do colors and lighting, and the island is probably way taller than just eight meters, so that estimate is very optimistic. So obviously, it’s not made up of that many unique voxels.”

Our head hurts. What do you make of it all?

[SIZE=5]PS3-60: Bethesda exec calls for single console standardisation[/SIZE]

Todd Howard keen for games to follow DVD model**[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Bethesda Softworks game director Todd Howard has revealed that he’s keen for the industry to adopt a one console as standard.[/SIZE]

Speaking to PSM3, Howard - also executive producer on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - was asked which one thing he would change about working in the games market.

He responded by saying he feels it takes a lot of effort to create a game for multiple platforms and would like to see games follow the same path of DVDs and Blu-rays.

“I’d like there to be only one platform. It’s a lot of work to make the games look good on every platform you’re on,” said Howard.

“I often equate it to DVD or Blu-Rays. Once I’ve bought a DVD I can use it in my TV, in my computer, in my car, here, whatever. And I think it would be good for gaming if it was like that,” he added.

The ‘One-console future’, as it has come to be known, was famously put forward by Silicon Knights founder Dennis Dyack, who said it would be a “massive paradigm shift” that would lead to games becoming “better in quality, cheaper, and more widely available”.

However, while Dyack said it is an inevitability, Howard acknowledges it isn’t necessarily a realistic future.

“They spend billions of dollars selling consoles at a loss for years, but then make the money back with games,” he commented. “It’s not like the industry is hurting, we’re doing really well. But if I had one wish, you know, we would have better games for a single platform.”

Former SCEE president David Reeves told CVG last year that he could envisage a future in which Sony and Microsoft joined forces to create a single machine.