Nintendo Switch Online: nove informacije - Cloud Saves, 20 NES igara, Family Plan

  • Cloud saves confirmed! Only for subscribers.
  • Free NES games with added online play for subscribers.
  • The service will launch with 20 games, with new games added regularly. Launch titles include:
  1. Soccer
  2. Tennis
  3. Donkey Kong™
  4. Mario Bros.™
  5. Super Mario Bros.™
  6. Balloon Fight™
  7. Ice Climber™
  8. Dr. Mario™
  9. The Legend of Zelda™
  10. Super Mario Bros.™ 3
  • The previously announced price of $20 yearly is for individual users. Other accounts on your Switch won’t be able to use online services.
  • if you want to share your subscription with other accounts (either on the same console or different ones) you can buy a family plan for $35 yearly.
  • Assuming there are no other restrictions, Nintendo Switch Online can be as low as $4.38 a year if you find 7 other people, form a Nintendo Account Family Group, and split the costs. (Thanks Wario64 for pointing this)
  • Voice chat will still require the mobile app.


bang for your buck sto bi ameri rekli

Sjajne vesti :slight_smile:
Konacno cloud save…

Meni samo nije jasno kako to da ovo nisu imali od prvog dana Switch prodaje. Nekako, 2018. godiona je, sve gaming platforme, do konzola, preko PCa i mobilnih telefona imaju online infrastrukturu, samo Nintendo kaska.


uvek se setim ovoga. kad nisam ugasio stream koliko me bilo blam

Premotao sam gde treba :smiley:


Jel on rekao ‘Thank you Steve’??