PSN do kraja 2018 dobija opciju za menjanje gametag-a

Fans got hints that Sony was working on a new system a year ago, when some changes to Unreal Engine 4 separated user IDs into two different categories. Rumors have continued to circulate ever since, and now, the president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment America has confirmed that a change is on the way.
During some of the opening ceremonies at PlayStation Experience 2017, PlayStation boss Shawn Layden discussed the topic with Greg Miller. When asked about the ability to change PSN names, Layden jokingly replied that “the elves back at the North Pole have been working on that for quite some time.” However, according to Layden, the change is “more complex” than the company expected and quite a “large piece of work.”
There’s good news, however.

“I hope we’ll see events occur that you don’t have to ask me that question [about PSN names] next PSX,” Layden said during the interview. In other words, Sony hopes to have the ability to change names up and running before December 2018.

The feature has been a long time coming, but if all goes well, it seems like fans might have less than a year left to wait.

Bravo za Sony sto jednu tako prostu stvar ne mogu da urade DO KRAJA SLEDECE GODINE.

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"the elves back at the North Pole have been working on that for quite some time.”

Ja sam emotivno istraumiran od mog.


Obećavali su ovo par puta ranije, mada je ovo čini mi se prvi put da neko sa top pozicije to spominje.
Najveća zvrčka je u tome što su prilikom pravljenja PSN namestili da sva korisnička imena istovremeno budu i ID. Tako da je vaš username, npr Titanik1 ujedno i ID u bazi, umesto da ID bude neki broj npr 1234567890 a username zasebno polje. Na taj način šta god da se promeni u polju username je nebitno jer postoji ID koji je konstantan. Bezveze previd sa njihove strane zbog kojeg sada treba sa smisle workaround koji će na tako velikoj mreži raditi posao bez smetnje.

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Gamertag je stvarno glupost…steam je i mama i tata za xbox live i psn. Menjaj koliko hoces, radi sta hoces…napravio gamertag za 13 godina, sad treba ceo zivot da me proganja :joy:

Na Xbox Liveu možeš da menjaš koliko hoćeš ali je 10$ po promeni. Samo je prvi put free. Opet bolja opcija da možeš nego da robuješ godinama nekom trenutnom hiru sa usernameom.