XBOX One rezime - diskusija, info, slike, video - Vol. 2

Izgleda legit. Ide uz ovo:

Novi system update za xbox one je sada izašao:

OS version: 10.0.14393.1018 (rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160725-1822) fre

Release date:


New or updated features:

Cortana available in the U.S. and UK:

Talk to Cortana on your Xbox One with your headset or Kinect. To start, just say “Hey Cortana” or launch the Cortana app. If you’re not sure what to say, try “Hey Cortana, what can I say?”

If you’re using Kinect, turn on your console by saying, “Hey Cortana, Xbox on.”

Background music:

Music apps will now be able to play music in the background. In an app that supports background music, just start some music. You’ll be able to switch to other apps and games while the music plays.

After starting your music: To play, pause, skip, and adjust music volume from anywhere, double-tap the Xbox button to open the guide, choose Multitasking, then select your music controls.

The app must support background music. An updated Pandora app in the U.S. is the first app to support background music—and more are coming soon.

My games & apps:

Your stuff is closer. From Home, move right and select My games & apps.

In My games & apps, there are new sorting options.

“Ready to Install” has its own area, so you can quickly find the games and apps you’ve purchased but haven’t installed.

Game and app updates will show up in their own area, when available.

The queue area now tells you what’s been recently installed in addition to what’s in your queue.

Language & location settings:

You can now choose your location separately from your system language. To change your language and location, double-tap the Xbox button to open the guide, select Settings > All settings, then choose System > Language & location.

All languages aren’t available for all locations. When you choose a language that isn’t usually associated with your location, most of the system will be in your chosen language, but you may see a mix of languages in areas like Store or online content.

Top PC games on Xbox Live:

Top PC games now have game hubs on Xbox Live. Whether you’re on PC, Xbox, or mobile, you’ll see what PC games your friends are playing, share PC game clips and screenshots, and message friends on Xbox Live. On Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs, you can join a party chat with your friends no matter what they’re doing.

New Store:

Xbox Store and the Windows Store have come together, making the shopping experience more streamlined. From Home, move right to Store to start browsing all content.

Preorders now get charged closer to game launch instead of at time of purchase. You can also cancel and change your payment option for preorders anytime at

Customers in the U.S., Switzerland, Norway, Italy, Germany, and Finland can now use mobile operator billing to make purchases. Customers in China can now use China Union Pay.

Find Facebook friends:

Live accounts. In the guide, go to the Friends tab, then choose Friends > Suggestions. Select Find Facebook friends and follow the steps. Your Facebook friends that have done the same will start showing up in your suggestions.

Control automatic sharing:

You can now choose to automatically share your achievements, screenshots, and game clips to your activity feed. To change your sharing settings, go to Settings > Preferences > Activity feed.


Znacajan update. Da vidim bas i taj novi store, stari je bio blago receno potpuna katastrofa.

Ja jos ne vidim update na mom xboxu

Izgleda puštaju u talasima, nisu dobili svi u isto vreme. Mada možeš da ideš na check for updates u podešavanjima na konzoli, možda tako krene.

EDIT: Zvanična objava:
The Wait Is Over – The Xbox Summer Update is starting to roll out - Xbox's Major Nelson

Od danas zvanično kreće.

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Kako se sve okrene za 360 (no pun intended) stepeni. :smiley: pre samo dve godine smo se plasili novog update kao samog djavola na 360 :smiley:

“ja jos nemam update”

“Pustaju u talasima pazi samo da ne prihvatis”


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Da da :slight_smile: Legala je cudo

[quote=“Akiris, post:1430, topic:9275, full:true”]
Kako se sve okrene za 360 (no pun intended) stepeni. :D[/quote]

Tehnicki, okrene se za 180 stepeni, jer da se okrene za 360 opet bi se doslo na isto :stuck_out_tongue:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Xbox One S - utisci i recenzije


Matematicar :smiley: ahahhahah

Ovaj novi update je savrsen. Steta sto stock HDD ne moze upratit kako bog zapovijeda. SSHD ili SSD treba na XO, pod hitno…

Edit: Bethesda ima svoju rasprodaju na Store-u. Navali narode:

Bethesda Sale


Thank you lawd!

Skinuo sam Pandora app, ali ima regijsko ogranicenje…

Procitao sam religijsko ogranicenje… Wtf. :smiley:

App se zove “Pandora”, prva zena stvorena od bogova, Grcka mitologija. Mozda Sony i Kratos muckaju nesto :smiley:

Ljudi treba mi pomoc:

Krenuo sam da uradim preorder Skyrim Special Edition direktno sa Store-a, medjutim, pise da mi je netacan region i da provjerim unutar system settings-a date opcije? WTF… Uzimao sam dosta igara na ovaj nacin, direkt sa kartice, ne kontam…

Sta da radim tacno?

Za one koji budu imali slicnih problema sa kupovinom igara preko Store-a:

Nakon mukotrpnog dvosatnog razgovora sa MS-ovom podrskom, trials and errors, javio se sljedeci problem:

Izgleda da je novi Update otezao nekima sprovodenje transakcija te nacina placanja… Update je uveo detaljnije opcije mjenjanja regiona, jezika i svega ostalog, sto ce nekima blokirati opcije direktnog placanja sa Paypal kartica. Kao maloprije i meni licno…

U tom slucaju, sljedeci koraci:

  • Odete na: Microsoft – službena početna stranica
  • Odaberite Gift Card opciju i koliko vec uzimate novca (US ili UK itd…)
  • Unesete podatke sa vase kartice
  • Doci ce vam mail potvrde te kod koji unesete u Reedem na Store-u
  • Kupovina igre

Napomena: Ako ni tad ne uspije transakcija, preko browser-a, pokusajte sa drugog.


Koji sam ja sretnik… 60$ krvlju zaradenih i 2h patnje i znoja…

Žao mi je što si se mučio, ali ja lično nisam mogao da ti pomognem, jer ja kupim gift kartice sa drugog sajta, unesem ih na moj acc i obavim željenu kupovinu. Nikada do sada nisam koristio paypal direktno na MS account-u. Ipak, odlično je što si na kraju uspeo problem da rešiš, a ovo je odličan mali tutorial za sve na forumu. Uživaj u igri.

Ja sam probao pre neki dan da kupim preko paypala EA Access i Quantum Break i dobio sam error. Posle sam otisao na MS sajt i pise da placanje paypalom preko Live-a nije moguce za nas region. Nema to izgleda veze sa regionom konzole vec sa Paypal regionom ciju proveru obavlja prilikom pokusaja placanja.

Nisam se ni trudio dalje da pokusavam, kad vec gift kartice i kodovi preko G2A rade posao.

Sto je novi update i uveo… Kao sto vec napisah u tekstu. I kao sto rekoh, do sad je sve sljakalo.

@loodacha, “mali” tutorial je proizasao iz predugog problema. 'bem ti “malo”, znoj me oblio…

Razgovarao sam sa 2 operatera, preko 2h, testirali smo vecinu toga na mom profilu, mojom lovom, so… Yeah… Ako imate nekih pitanja vezanih za slicne stvari, ne pravite se pametni, vec kontaktirajte MS direktno.

I pobogu @padawan, sto se mucis sa G2A?

Otides na:

I bires iznos od 1$ pa nadalje. Puno jednostavnije, direktno placanje, bez provizije. Milina…

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